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"Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts"

Work done in Procreate and Photoshop. Wide-array of animations for motion in Illustration.
Work created while at CCAD or outside of campus. Fan art, and original work including Concept Art, Fashion Design, and Character Design.
Aberrant Fantasy are illustrations that are a visual representation of my varying feelings in situations typically where I am most vulnerable. I draw characters from a fantasy world backdrop with unrealistic body types. I only recently realized that I had been drawing these characters to reflect my inner body dysmorphia. Coming to terms with this, I wanted to use my work to explore the many different body types that are accepted in modern day society. Portrayed in average situations, they are reimagined as fantasy characters, such as elves, or horned beings. Additionally, I also explore scenarios (house parties, retail jobs, average living experiences) that are still rather common in society while simultaneously traumatic (sexual assault, sexual harassment, self harm). Integrating humor with the more standard and everyday experiences of living life is addressed and done in a way that encourages a relatable atmosphere to bring awareness to these negative situations.
Work out of my sketch book.

Sketches, as well as pen and ink illustrations created in my spare time.
To see more or discuss work let's talk!>>
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